It’s likely you have unlocked your phone using the built-in facial recognition software, or maybe you have added dog ears or cat whiskers to a favourite headshot in your image gallery. Or better yet, maybe you’ve driven a Tesla and used the autonomous driving feature.
November 2021
How Human-Robot Collaboration is Shaping the Workplace
Robotic Networks at Work
Why is automation, the process of introducing robotics into industry and making processes more machine-driven, so often spoken of in anxious tones?
Alliance Automation
Offering Safer, More Efficient Processes to Industries in Need
American robotics systems manufacturer Alliance Automation offers automation solutions to a multitude of sectors. The company began operations in August 2008 when President and CEO Doug Wenninger, wanting to take advantage of an opportunity he saw within the market to branch out and offer automation to underserved industries, left a Sales Manager position at another automation company to form his own.
Adaptec Solutions
Customer-Centric – Creating a Caring Culture
It can be challenging for businesses to establish a company philosophy dedicated to putting employees and customers first, particularly when continual growth and acquisition are essential for success and survival. Adaptec Solutions has managed to do both, and do them well, and is thriving under a strong and unified leadership team, an expanding business focus, and a name change.
4D Systems
Robotic Systems: Smarter, Better, Faster – and Nicer
The words “robotic systems” conjure up many images. However, if you automatically think “job losses,” you won’t be alone, but it couldn’t be further from the truth: 4D Systems puts humans and robots together to benefit employees, companies, industry, and the world.
Building a Better Workforce Together
NGen’s mission has long involved strengthening the development of world-leading, advanced manufacturing capabilities in Canada through the promotion of technology, protecting the environment, and securing supply chains through funding and supporting industry clusters and Supercluster projects. Now NGen is turning its skills and knowledge to bolstering the manufacturing workforce’s future through education, awareness, and collaboration between various industries to address shared issues and interests.
Molded Precision Components
Just What Canada’s PPE Industry Needs – a Game-Changer
When historians look back on COVID-19, they’ll see nothing but change – in lives, relationships, politics, power, and education. And in industry, where a Canadian company spots the obvious and then fixes it – bringing a whole 15,000 km supply chain in-house.
International Custom Products (ICP)
A Business Boom Inspires Investment in Automation
For International Custom Products (ICP), the challenges of COVID-19 didn’t result in the well storied downturn in business typical of the global pandemic. How did this Toronto-based sewing company that makes expertly-stitched custom textile products like parachutes turn a quickly mutating virus into an entrepreneurial success story? What’s more, how did ICP catapult to 143 percent revenue growth over three years and reach a place among Canada’s Top Growing Businesses on the coveted annual list by the Globe and Mail?
F&D Plastics
The Match Game – F&D Plastics Offers Color Consistency
When the team at F&D Plastics says they take customer service to the next level, they’re not kidding. For more than 50 years, this innovative and resilient company has consistently produced high-performance custom colors, pre-cultured resins, specialty compounds and additive masterbatches at two advanced manufacturing plants, all while providing superior turnaround times and outstanding flexibility for a variety of customers across North America, Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean.
New Tools in Skilled Hands
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