In a 21st century, post-COVID economy, automating business processes will become not merely a production concern but one of safety. Yet automation presents challenges of its own – namely, affordability, practicality, and necessity.
December 2021
Taking the Pressure out of Injection Molding
In the manufacturing sector, a new technology comes along every few years that genuinely turns the industry on its head. In this case, the company leading the way in transforming the future of plastic injection molding is iMFLUX, Inc.
Advanced Test and Automation
Learning, Improving, Expanding – and Saving Lives
As the world approaches the second anniversary of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Anthony Khoraych looks back on the past months as both a challenge and a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience for Advanced Test and Automation (ATA).
Arshon Technology
Connecting Us to the Future
Arshon Technology provides cost-effective electronic design services to customers in a wide range of industries around the world. As an end-to-end provider, this Ontario-based business handles everything from prototype design, testing, and validation all the way through to commercialization and mass production.
Cassidy Manufacturing
Up For Any Challenge
Reshoring parts manufacturing may be better for your bottom line than you think, says Sean Cassidy, founder and CEO of Cassidy Manufacturing. “If you take an offshore component, you can truly double or maybe triple the price if you add in all the unseen costs.”
Promise and Potential: Filling the Gaps in Cell and Gene Therapy
Established 10 years ago to leverage scientific strengths in regenerative medicine in Canada, CCRM continues to assert Canadian leadership in the life sciences. With a particular focus on the promise of cell and gene therapy, the organization’s goal is to not only treat symptoms of diseases, but to cure them.
Genecis Bioindustries
From Trash to Treasure – Changing Plastic to Change the World
The potential of plastic production at Genecis Bioindustries Inc. is astounding. The company is creating high-value plastics from food waste that compete in function with oil-based plastics, but are environmentally friendly, composted within a month, and degraded in a year. Genecis is building a circular economy by helping businesses use green PHA plastics in agriculture, packaging, and food services, and reducing the amount of plastic – approximately 18 billion pounds of it – that ends up in oceans every year.
IDP Group
Pivoting to a Prefabricated Construction Solution
The IDP Group has done a major pivot, with a new focus on steel-based pre-fabricated construction solutions that might help address housing needs in rural or isolated locales. The company has also embraced an innovative manufacturing methodology that aims to “turn construction into Advanced Manufacturing,” as Operations Manager and Partner Hamed Asl puts it.
Lorik Tool & Automation Inc.
Setting Automation Benchmarks
Automation and robotics may seem like recent inventions to some but the reality is that several earlier generations laid the foundations needed to bring about today’s high-level technology. Lorik Tool & Automation is a North American trailblazer on this front, having supplied industries across the globe with the best custom automation and inspection machinery for the past thirty-three years.
New Tools in Skilled Hands
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At an Industry Crossroads
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This Plastic World
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AI in the OR?
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