This Plastic World

The Enduring Impacts of Synthetic Materials

In the wake of reports about trillions of pieces of plastic waste in our oceans, and stories about whales washing ashore, bellies full of undigested plastic bags and fishing nets, disturbing studies show how microplastics are adversely affecting not only marine mammals but humans at every stage of our lives.


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Creating ConvenienceAutonics

Creating Convenience


Autonics delivers automation solutions that simplify industrial processes. Used by leading manufacturers across a variety of sectors, the company’s technology increases safety, convenience, productivity, and efficiency around the world.

Enhancing Productivity, Efficiency, and SafetySamuel Automation

Enhancing Productivity, Efficiency, and Safety

Samuel Automation

Much remains the same at Samuel Automation in Waterloo, Ontario since the firm was profiled April 2023 in Manufacturing in Focus. The company, which custom-designs and manufactures automation solutions for industrial and manufacturing clients, is still sharp, focused, and innovative. The biggest change has been a move into new markets, evidence of its commitment to growth.

New Technology ExpertBlack Controls Company Inc.

New Technology Expert

Black Controls Company Inc.

It is quite extraordinary how much can change in only five years. Black Controls Company Inc. has shifted from a fledgling enterprise to a full-scale fabricator active in 15 countries. Its market presence in the general industry, automotive, and sterilization sectors grew significantly over the past 12 months, resulting in sizeable shifts that it is navigating successfully thanks to its prevailing culture of trust, support, and continuous improvement.

Perfecting Packaging Containers for Over Two DecadesCreative Packaging Solutions

Perfecting Packaging Containers for Over Two Decades

Creative Packaging Solutions

Creative Packaging Solutions (CPS) of Keyport, New Jersey, has spent more than two decades developing perfect packaging for retail clients. This encompasses bottles, tubes, trays, jars, boxes, canisters, and just about anything else that can house a commercial product sold in stores or online. Tapping into a network of manufacturers, the company obtains and sells packaging that is both aesthetically pleasing and resilient.

Innovative Solutions for Lower Costs Industry-WideAmeriGlobe

Innovative Solutions for Lower Costs Industry-Wide


With headquarters in Lafayette, Louisiana, and a second operation in nearby Eunice, AmeriGlobe is the largest bulk bag manufacturer in the United States. It is dedicated to producing solutions that meet customers’ needs while reducing their operating costs, and to investing in research and development to continually improve product offerings that will be both economical and sustainable.

Working SmarterModern Material Handling

Working Smarter

Modern Material Handling

In basic terms, material handling is the movement of raw goods from one location to another for the manufacture of finished products. Although it may seem simple, the success of these systems depends on many factors. Material handling requires precise timing, standardization, efficient use of space, automation, and other factors. Loads and pallet weights need to be planned in advance, and the capabilities of human workers considered to ensure safety at all stages.


AI in the OR?

June 2024

Recycled Rubber and Plastic Bottles

May 2024

Daisy Chains and Golden Gates

April 2024

The World in a Grain of Sand

March 2024

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