Cleaning up Clean Energy Solutions

RegO Products
Written by Jessica Ferlaino

With a broad range of flow-control components and engineered-to-order applications, including a wide array of valves, pressure regulators, and safety devices for mission-critical applications using gases in liquid form, RegO Products offers peace of mind that equipment will perform optimally, safely, and reliably time and time again.

This commitment to safety and performance is backed by a reputation that spans 114 years. Throughout this time RegO Products has consistently invested in its capacity to innovate to address the needs of its customers and their industries. The result is a catalog of over 5,000 active SKUs, many of which were first to market.

Despite a storied history and a robust product portfolio, the future has only just begun for RegO Products as it embarks on a new chapter under new ownership. Recently, Dover acquired both RegO Products and its peer in the market, ACME Cryogenics, Inc., to better meet market needs.

The two entities are in the process of synergizing operations into a single platform as part of the OPW Global operating unit, within Dover’s Fueling Solutions business segment, which will draw on the particular strengths of each: RegO Products’ reputation as a clean energy solutions provider and ACME’s strength in the cryogenic liquid and gas markets.

A path to new energy solutions

As President and CEO Mike Lucas says, “The hydrogen economy is a significant focus for us, as it was before the acquisition. ACME has a strong position with hydrogen in the current industry, so bringing us together has helped accelerate what we can provide to the hydrogen industry as it builds out and develops new industry applications,” and, he adds, ultimately a pathway to net zero emissions.

One clear opportunity is the LNG (liquefied natural gas) market, particularly in end uses like heavy-duty trucking where there are challenges when refueling vehicles that are transporting cryogenic liquids. Since gas in liquid form needs cold and pressurized conditions to maintain that form, it becomes more dangerous and challenging than the diesel alternative.

“With the current technology, because it’s cryogenic, the nozzles want to freeze to the truck. The drivers were having a difficult time operating them because they were experiencing leaks and maintaining this equipment would create downtime at the station,” explains Senior Vice President Product Portfolio Chad Thomas.

To address this challenge and improve the process for both the driver and the station operator, RegO Products went out into the industry for driver feedback to help develop a solution. The result was a product that keeps the equipment clean and dry, simplifying refueling, and putting an end to human error by automating much of the process.

“The driver only has to hang the nozzle on the truck and press a button, so all the other critical factors are automated, taking driver influence out of there,” says Thomas of this advance that has transformed the process, and which will encourage greater adoption of LNG heavy-duty trucks.

With the industry in mind

As the focus at RegO is on both the end user and the industry infrastructure, the company is deeply involved in the development of new industry standards and regulations to ensure safe adoption of these advances in procedure and technology.

Lucas aptly notes, “For the hydrogen economy to take place, you have to be able to produce it. We provide many products and solutions on the infrastructure side, supporting all those products that are needed to expand production capacity globally.”

The innovation doesn’t stop there. RegO Products introduced a custom-developed app that connects end users with digitized resources like the invaluable Serviceman’s Handbook, which is imperative for the installation and servicing of propane equipment.

RegO Products recently took everything a step further by including reference information, product availability, and essentially, “all the tools they need to do their day job,” in the app, says Thomas. Every possible issue has been considered to optimize its complete suite of offerings. This full-service approach has been key to the company’s longevity and success.

To be in business for over 100 years is a testament to RegO Products’ ability to remain relevant as a solutions provider. Time and again it demonstrates that it can evolve with the industry, and even lead. Especially now as the economy moves to alternatives like LNG and LP, cleaner fossil fuels that are often overlooked.

From Lucas’ perspective, “As people move away from sources of power like gasoline and diesel fuels and coal, LNG and LP will have a role as clean fuel. There are also newer technologies where you can make propane from renewable resources, or you can put additives into propane that reduces the carbon emissions.”

The ultimate clean source

While hydrogen is the ultimate clean source of power, it will take time for it to grow into its full promise, and in the meantime, LNG and LP will support countries around the world as they strive to meet ambitious emission reduction requirements.

“When you think of the alternative energy and the CO2 emission reduction targets, LNG is a critical player, especially in Europe when it comes to meeting some of those targets adopted by the Paris Accord and EU regulations,” says Thomas.

While the economy continues its green evolution, the goal at RegO Products will be to integrate with ACME under Dover to increase their collective impact on the industry.

As always, RegO Products will emphasize innovation and operational capacity to maximize productivity and nurture its culture of success to ensure that its legacy stays in great shape for the next 100 years.

Speaking of a timeline of 100 years, how confident Is RegO Products, really, about the company, its market, and its future? Well, it recently wrapped up $7 million in capital investments and announced plans to invest $6 million more over the next few months. There’s a signal.



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