David Caldwell

Manufacturing in FocusBringing High Quality and Stewardship to Food ProductionPacMoore

Manufacturing in Focus

Bringing High Quality and Stewardship to Food Production


As our planet enters 2020, we need better, more ethical methods of food production to accommodate a growing population, and in America’s heartland, PacMoore Products, Inc. has engaged in this type of quality contract food production since 1989. Chief Executive Officer Bill Moore and his leadership team see the company as stewards, bringing a focus on employee caretaking and a wealth of advanced food processing techniques such as spray drying, extrusion, and both dry and liquid blending.

Manufacturing in FocusJust-In-Time PrecisionArgent International

Manufacturing in Focus

Just-In-Time Precision

Argent International

Celebrating over forty years in business, Argent International has expanded from a single press to 26, employing over 125 highly skilled full-time workers in Michigan. This 3M Preferred Converter is a proudly veteran-owned small business, supporting the automotive and many other industries through its custom engineered adhesive die-cut solutions. Having mastered this precise manufacturing process, Argent is now expanding into new markets, applying both its rapid prototyping and full production services to new sectors.

Manufacturing in FocusTaking Risks to Foster New GrowthAnderson Dahlen

Manufacturing in Focus

Taking Risks to Foster New Growth

Anderson Dahlen

Risk: a popular board game and a double-edged sword, particularly in business. While it is tempting to remain in one’s ‘comfort zone,’ especially with shareholders and many other variables to consider, the act of taking risks is essential to bring forth new ideas and growth. In Ramsey, Minnesota, just north of Minneapolis, Anderson Dahlen is embracing risk while engaging in custom manufacturing that helps its clients overcome barriers with precise solutions.


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